February 7, 2023
Getting older can be a real pain…in your joints. If you find it hard to make it through your day without having that lingering pain in your body, you know how frustrating it can be. Luckily, there are some ways that you can help to shake off that sharp and lingering pain in the neck, wrist, or back. Here are 4 of the best ways to alleviate joint pain:
1. Keep on Moving
We know that the last thing you want to do when experiencing joint pain is to get out and exercise. However, laying in bed with little to no movement can actually cause your pain to become worse. That is why it is important to continue with your daily activities even when you are hurting. Moving the part of your body that is ailing you can decrease the amount of pain and stiffness. While you want to remain as active as possible, you also don’t want to overdo it and cause more severe injuries to your joints.
2. Apply Ice or Heat
There are many at-home remedies for common everyday pains, including applying ice or heat to the area to alleviate some of the pain. The common question is when to use ice versus when to use heat. In most cases, doctors recommend using heat for chronic pains, such as lower back pain and tension headaches. On the other hand, ice is helpful for injuries such as sprains and strained muscles. It is not recommended that you use ice on stiff joints. Whether you are using heat or ice, it’s important to only treat the area for about 10 minutes at a time and be sure to protect your skin from frostbite and burns by wrapping ice and heat with a towel or a cloth.
3. Be Cautious with Pain Relievers
For moderate and severe joint pain, an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory may be useful, such as ibuprofen or aspirin. If you have pain, but it is not swelling, acetaminophen may be more helpful to alleviate the pain. However, if you have any type of liver, kidney, or clotting problems, you should talk to your doctor before taking any type of medication. If over-the-counter medications aren’t helping with your pain, your doctor may also be able to prescribe a stronger opioid medication.
4. Work with a Physical Therapist
If your pain is something that bothers you on a daily basis, there are some other things that you can do to get some relief. Your doctor can set you up with a physical therapist in your area who can show you some exercises to help. These specialists are trained to know how to help strengthen the muscles around the joint, stabilize the joint, and improve your range of motion. While one of these solutions alone may not help, you can try different things to ditch your pain for good.
Would you like to learn more about joint pain or have questions about other physical ailments? Schedule a consultation with one of our pharmacy experts who are always happy to help get you on track to a healthy life! We look forward to hearing from you soon!